
Monday, May 2, 2011

how to use twitter to promote your business | Using Twitter For Marketing

When most small business owners think about Twitter, they want to find the best way to make money from it. I think the way to look at Twitter's look at the number of connections that can do instead of watching the money.

One of the things we need to remember is that Twitter, the social site. People do not want to be bombarded with a million different steps of the sale, or links to product pages. They are there to get the information from you, or to find out what's going on in your world. Instead of that tweet anything you want to sell to customers, I think more about how you can give them information that can help them. Another option would be to send a tweet that is fun, such as a link to a funny video. Whatever you do, work to create relationships with people - always not trying to sell them things.

A great feature of Twitter is the ability to communicate with people in your market. This is something that many people forget. All you have to do is use the @ in Twitter to get their attention. This is very good at making connections with influential people or potential business partners. You can also use the DM, but I would try to build a relationship before sending personal messages. Remember, being friends with whom you are communicating with. I do not want to abuse the system and tweet every five minutes with their business idea or a joke you just heard. Just be a cold person and try to help if you can, and eventually the person who wants to communicate with the desire to learn.

Another feature of Twitter is the ability to track a large number of interesting people. I think it's important to take this slowly, there are 4000 people immediately after opening your account. Follow interesting people in your market and get to know and what you tweet. Immerse yourself in which to share information. The good news is that some people actually follow you both follow the same person. This will help win people over when you started on Twitter.

One thing I would mention is that you should not feel obligated to follow everyone who follows you. This can actually be a bad thing. It shows that you have more influence on your market when you follow fewer people you follow. Again, remember not to get lost and take a lot of people when creating your account. Start slowly and follow people that are of interest to you. Over time, you will be able to build relationships with these people.

I hope this article helps you look at Twitter with different way. Instead of thinking that Twitter is something we want to make money, see this as a way to connect with influential people in our market and our customers. This position will help us make more money in the long term.

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